Zella Mae Zenker Moore was born December 31, 1946 in Colorado to parents Carl Martin and Vera (Lasley) Zenker. The family moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, where she graduated from Las Vegas High School in 1965.
She married Stanley Eugene Moore August 26, 1965 in Clark County, NV. They later lived in Harris, TX where two sons were born. Their three children are Raymond, Allen, and Marlo.
Zella passed away February 23, 1985, age 38, in Orange County, California. She is buried at El Toro Memorial Park, Lake Forest, Orange County, CA.
Catherine Hunter (Sutfin)
Zella and I were in several high school classes together, but I mostly remember 1st period PE with Miss Shamley. Several of the girls were lobbying for changing alphabetical order to use first names so they could get through with class earlier. Zella was standing by me at that time and said it made no difference to her, since her parents had insured she would always be at the back of the line. We laughed so hard we got some sort of punishment, which made us laugh even harder. Zella was a sweet, sweet girl.
Roberta Cone (Lewin)
I think that I, too, was in that P.E. class. I definitely remember being in a P.E. class with Zella. She was indeed a very, very sweet girl. I remember her clearly. Also, as evidenced by Catherine's remark, she had a slight dry sense of humor which made her so much fun to be around. Just a really nice, memorable person.
Judy Dennison
Zella was one of those I was intent on locating. Others were Penn Yates, Barry Eith, and Dixie Reese. I don't know why because none of them were my best or even a close friend. I knew them to the extent I'd say hello. But they were memorable to me. Zella--because I thought she was pretty and had beautiful red hair. And who would saddle a pretty girl with a name like Zella? Penn because he seemed so un-Las Vegas, and I must have been spot on with that. He ultimately lived in Hawaii and was captain of his own "ship." Dixie because of her beautiful smile. Barry because he also was un-Las Vegas. To me, they all deserve to be remembered---but then I love finding out where even I came from so it makes sense that I'd care about them.
Roberta Cone (Lewin)
Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for all the hard work and effort you invest in finding and researching information about former classmates. It's so sad to hear of someone's passing, but it kind of reminds you that you were lucky enough to have known someone and enjoyed their company. I really liked Zella. I didn't know Penn but I knew his sister, Gretchen, slightly. I got the impression that she was from this really neat, kind of "bohemian" family!
Thanks again.
Judy Dennison
Yes--bohemian is exactly the word I was looking for with Penn.
Roberta Cone (Lewin)
Glad I was able to contribute at least something!