Birth Date: 26 January 1947, Los Angeles, CA
He attended University of New Mexico where he obtained a B.S degree in Pharmacy, and was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity.
Last place of residence: Reno, Nevada where he was a pharmacist
Died December 1975; age 28; cause of death was reportedly suicide
Craig Jolley
Ric and I were best friends 5th and 6th grades. He got the idea to start a softball team in Mrs. Daley's class, The Daley Pimps. Ric played catcher, I played first. We made up nicknames for ourselves, usually based on last name. Charles Dustin was Duckwater, I was Egg, Ric was The Sheriff, Joe Limos was The Moose. The team name came from John Pemberton. (We were pretty sure "pimp" had something to do with sex, knew the word could not be uttered around grownups.) Ric and I assumed ownership of one playgound basket during lunch hour. We would play 2 on 3 against challengers, played a 1-1 defense with me as the chaser (I was fast) Ric (good rebounder) under the basket, almost always won. I started keeping stats, ended up averaging 9.5 points per game. Ric was bright, popular (especially with girls), a bit cocky, fun, a leader.